Saturday 28 September 2013

Found it again!

I remember me and Spike talking about Etrian Odyssey earlier this year, we had played the first game and we both knew that it Etrian Odyssey IV had been announced for 3DS and so we waited.
I don't really know what happened then, the Pokémon hype began almost half a year from now for me so probably that? Something made Etrian fade from my memory anyways and so as Spike was hanging around on the internet earlier this week he said something along the lines:

"I really want to play this when it's available!"

It was already out (had been for a while actually) and so we went out an bought a copy each the same day. ^^
My biggest problem now is that in two weeks I'll be having two games that'll I have to divide my time between...

Wednesday 25 September 2013

Pokémon X and Y: Tyrunt the game.

My starters from all gens (never played gen 3).
A new Pokémon game is on the way and by new I mean NEW, not a weak copy of an older game with a new story (Ehem Pokémon white/black 2) so welcome Pokémon Y and X.

Gamefreak have finally made the graphic more exciting and the battles feels more alive then it have ever been before and beside that you can now modify your character's appearance so it will feel more personal, time to make a girl and make her look "Uguu kawai!"... yea from my understanding the girls have more variation of clothings.

So with a new Pokémon there is new starters and I'm thinking about to follow my tradition and pick the new water type Pokémon Froakie, he looks kinda cute and his second evolution make him look a bit more to the cool side or like people in this generation say "SWAG", oh and by the way I looked back to my old Pokémon games and remembered that I never picked Mudkip and that is because I have never played Pokémon Ruby and Sapphire! oh my.

Things I'm looking forwards is:

Mega-evolutions: Because why not? why not take that extra step and go all super saiyan?

The new starters: They all look fine man! beside Chespins second evolution, he looks like shit :c.

Gender Roles: So there is this Pokémon called Meowstic that have different roles depending on the gender, is that not pretty freak sweet? Hope there are more Pokemons like that in this game beside him/her.

One sexy beast <3.
Tyrunt: The new fossil Pokemons in this game is Tyrunt and Amaura, Amaura looks all cute and shit but then there is other dude Tyrunt... Tyrunt is a freaking Tyrannosaurus Rex in Pokemon form! what cant you love about him? just look at him and tell me he's not the best thing that happen to pokémon.

It's only 17 days left for this gem to hit the stores, so it's time to get hype because this will be the best Pokémon to come out so far and in the meantime I will try to finish dark souls because I wont have any time to play other games when Pokémon Y and X is out, cya.


Tuesday 24 September 2013

Pokemon X and Y hype - Zacko

I'm also looking forward to the upcoming X and Y versions, and I'll make sure to write a longer post about it once the game is out! I'm definitely hyped about it, but I'm not entirely sure which starter I'll be getting.
I usually end up putting my starter pokemon in the storage anyway, and the biggest exception to that rule would be pokemon red and blue where I actually used Charizard all the way to level 100.

I'm not entirely sure who my first starter was, but I think it was Squirle, and I've always really liked Blastoise, but I usually ended up with Charmander on my playthroughs, so I'll have to add both of them to my list of starters. In the following games, I mostly stuck with fire pokemon, with the exception of Black & White where I went with Oshawott instead of the pig.

For the upcoming game, I'll probably go with Froakie, since he's the first one that caught my eye, and remained the most interesting among the secondary evolutions, but I tend to pick my starters based on their final form since I'll be using it the most if I let it stick around instead of chilling at the PC.
It's also fun that we'll be able to pick the original starters again, and I'll have a hard time picking between Charizard and Blastoise, but I might actually go with Blastoise this time and make it a double-water starter. Who gets to stay in the team? We'll find out in the future.

Pokémon X and Y hype!

Hi! I'm getting all hyped up for the new Pokémon game, this one is actually starting to look like the kind of game I wanted to play for the last four generations.
One of my favorite upgrades is that it looks like you're finally allowed to move around freely, not restricted to moving straight along the x- or y-axis (hurr hurr). I've always felt so confined, in a way, by those kind of controls so I really look forward to this and think it'll give it more of the feeling of being a real rpg.

Other things I really like in the new game:
  • The ability to change your appearance to your liking! Hell yeah, I can feel unique!
  • More movement in the battle scenes. Maybe this will make it look a bit closer to how it looks in the anime? Anyways, it is surely to bring the pokémon closer to life and that is good.
  • Most of the new Pokémon. Most of the new ones look really cool and unique (the previous generation felt kind of boring) and come on, you can change the hairstyle of that poodle pokémon Furfrou, awesome!
I'm really hoping for a nice way to interact with your friends within the game, that's one of the few things that worries me, but I felt that Black and White took the multiplayer aspect in the right direction with playing minigames with your friends (however Pokéathlon is still the best).

Froakie, Fennekin and Chespin.
The most important thing right now is choosing a starter!
As you can see, I started off with three generations of fire starters and then switched to grass for two so, if following the trend, I should be picking Chespin however that was (from the start) the only starter that didn't catch my eye and instead I thought of going back to my favorites, the fire starters, and go with Fennekin. But now, as they've introduced their second evolutions, I've changed my mind and is thinking that this might be the first time to choose a water type, Froakie!
I'm still not sure (I need to see their final forms before I decide) but really, isn't it time to give a water starter a chance to show me what it got?

(Oh, and I'll be playing the X-version for sure. Who doesn't want the game with the elk god from Princess Mononoke on the box?)

HeartGold Erin #3

He's much more see-through than this in real life!
Oi! I went to Sprout Tower the other night and even though I had been there earlier it was totally different in during nighttime! The pillar in the middle with it's silent and rhythmic movements made me look over my shoulder, was that the pillar moving or was it something else?
Okay, I knew there were pokémon here but still! What if there was something else? I don't know what, maybe some other kind of ghost or geist or what if there were demons living here?!
So I kept Cyndra close, her fires burning softly in the dark and I was somewhat calmed. Then a second problem occurred to me: how do you find a Gastly? I after some sneaking about in the temple I decided that the best tactic would be to sit down and wait for Gastly to find me. I had Pin, with his keen eyes, act as lookout and finally (at about 3 a.m.) (X_x) he cried for my attention but I could see nothing at all... It took a while but then I had Cyndra fight the sneaky ghost and we managed to catch him, and I named him Kowai! :P

Now I'm on my way to Ecruteak to take on the next gym leader (whom I've heard uses ghost-type pokémon by the way) but first I've got to train some more, I don't think I've got what it takes just yet since I've got no pokémon with type advantages on this one...

Bye! <3

Friday 20 September 2013

HeartGold Erin #2

Oh! You know what? I had the scariest of battles with Whitney! I knew she was going to be tougher than the previous gym leaders I've met, a friend of mine had told me that even though her pokémon where "just normal pokémon" they were to be feared in battle and I can now say that she was right...
Nino and Rocky where the one's who did most of the work but I have to thank my Flaaffy Nue whose static wool caused Miltank to be paralyzed as she fought Rocky (but that wouldn't have worked hadn't it been for the poison Nino caused Miltank which made it eat the Lum berry it was carrying).
And how the fight dragged out~
Rocky fell in love with Whitney's Miltank and Miltank was partly paralyzed and used a lot of milk drink and I had to use potions on Onix in order to keep up. In the end I got lucky, Rocky managed to attack even though he felt love for Miltank and Whitney's pokémon suffered greatly from paralysis the final rounds allowing Rocky to knock her out!
Oh, how happy I was! My heart was racing since I thought it'd be my first loss actually... (^___^);;
Whitney was STRONG and started crying as her final pokémon fainted!
I didn't know what to do so I tried comforting her the best I could but she didn't want my counsel (I can understand that, after all it was my fault she was sad) and so I was just about to leave as one of her friends from the gym came up to me and told me to wait for a moment. Apparently, this is how Whitney usually reacts to losing (why become a gym leader if you can't handle losses without getting upset by the way?!) and so I went back to her after some time spent chatting with the other girl.
This time she gave me her badge and so now I've got the Plain Badge, yay! (^___^)

I think I'm gonna spend the night in the Sprout Tower to celebrate, Ethan told me I could find Gastly there so I would really like to go even though I think a place like that'll be really scary at night...
However, there's a weird tree blocking the shortcut back to Violet City...

G'night now~

Wednesday 18 September 2013

HeartGold Erin #1

I just recently started off on my adventure to take on the Elite Four (or at least that's what Professor Elm thinks I should be doing).
Isn't he cute?! I named him "Nino". :3
I was entrusted with one of his pokémon namely the Cyndaquil which I named Cyndra (and yes, she's actually a she) and Professor Oak gave me a Pokédex.
I haven't been that much into pokémon before, of course I've played a lot with Ethan and his Marill but in general, no. However, ever since I got Cyndra things have changed and I'm now training hard to take on Whitney and her fiercesome Miltank. The Onix Rocky I in a trade for my Bellsprout will surely be strong enough to take her on but I feel like there's something missing. So as I walked about route 35 I met a male Nidoran and as I fought him he double kicked my Pidgey Pin!
I've learnt that a normal pokémon like Miltank should be weak against fighting moves and so I captured the little one and trained him and now my little Nino isn't that small anymore since he evolved into a Nidorino and I tell you; it looks really weird seeing him with his short legs using double kick!

Wish me luck at the gym! <3

Tuesday 2 July 2013

thoughts on: Animal Crossing: New Leaf

For the past couple of days I've been spending a lot of time playing the new game in the "animal crossing" franchise, called "New Leaf". At first I was very sceptical about it, since I've never been a fan of Animal crossing, but since my brother and many other people have been praising it since its release date, I decided to give it a chance, and I can honestly say that this game was worth every penny! I love this game! :D The environment, the gameplay, and the characters are all so candy cute and exiting!

Although some reviewers have been pointing it out as a capitalistic game where you only make money to be better, while being covered by a candy cute "aura". My comment on that is that they are exaggerating a bit. I mean sure, the game has no direct goal, and the biggest part of the game is to pay off the loan on your house and the bills of adding new additions to your town, but you can do that in a matter of 2-3 weeks if you play it regularly, and the amount of money you earn by selling stuff like seashells, fish and insects is just silly!

But there is much more to this game than just earning money. You get to be creative, social with both NPCs and real people via spotpass and streetpass and you also learn about nature. There are a lot of different minigames as well, and you can play them all with your friends!

/Tenshi's out!

Monday 1 July 2013

My first, favorite and most used Pokémon.

My journey into the pokemon universe started slightly before Pokémon Red & Blue were released in Europe. I accidentally stumbled upon a japanese rom for Pokémon Blue and decided to try it out. I remember enjoying the graphics, music and gameplay, but since it was in japanese, I had a hard time figuring out the controls. I'm not sure whether I picked Charizard or Blastoise as my first, and I mostly remember fighting a bunch of pidgeys and rattatas using only tackle, but I'm quite sure I never got to the first gym...
The game had left an impression on me though, and once I heard it had been released in Europe, I quickly bought a copy, which turned out to be Pokémon Red.
Charizard was probably my first favorite, and I really liked the look of both him and Blastoise on the cartridges. Charmander turned out to be my regular starter, and Charizard was my first pokémon to hit level 100 in Pokémon Red, so he's probably my "most used" pokémon in Pokémon Red, but I can't really say he's ever been a true favorite of mine. If I had to pick a favorite, it would stand between the following two:

Sandshrew. He was one of the first pokémon I received via trading with a link cable. I've always really liked Sandshrew. He's cute and cool at the same time, and he could use my favorite move: Dig! He's also unavailable in Pokémon Red, so I thought he was rare and very strong, but he remained my favorite even when I found out that he was very common and very weak. I also didn't quite like Sandslash as much, so I never evolved my first Sandshrew, which seemed like a great idea at the time, but once I started looking closely at the stats, Sandshrew was usually crammed into Bill's PC with the rest or given to the old man at the day care. I still kind of consider him my favorite, but he is quite weak, which is the main reason to why he isn't my most used pokémon.

Gengar is my second favorite, and possibly my favorite pokémon of all time. He also happens to be my most used pokémon, and I've used him all the way from Pokémon Red to Pokémon Black & White 2, but I'm not quite sure what I liked about him at first. I suppose he had an interesting look, was really fast, could use Psychic, and could only be obtained by trading a Haunter, which I thought was very cool back when trading was a more difficult process. He turned out to be my favorite pick in Pokémon Stadium for beating the lvl 50 restricted Poké Cup (which took me about four to eight years to complete), and as it turns out, he's also currently a top tier pick for professional tournaments, and I'll probably also include him in my team for Pokémon X & Y.

Who's your first "most used" Pokémon?

I'm a bit ashamed to admit, I got into Pokémon almost by accident. When I was little (I can't remember how old) I bought my very first gaming device, a GameBoy Color, and as I bought it from a boy who had had enough of it I got some games with it as well and one of them was Pokémon Yellow.
I remember this game as having a cuteish cool animal on the cartridge and I tried it out, since I wasn't that good at English I had a hard time understanding what happened in the game but the concept worked for me, I liked it, grew to love it
When I was a kid I loved animals and I loved collecting things (even as simple things as cool rocks) and here I got to combine those two things but to the point, who was my favorite Pokémon to use in battle in my first Pokémon game? The answer is... Hypno!
Well, I never expected that one either when I was young and loved cool and cute things but that was how it turned out.
I met Drowzee at route 11 (I think) and for some reason I liked how it looked and I loved the move "confusion". At this time I didn't have any idea what it'd come to look like but it didn't matter, I wanted confusion.
As it evolved into Hypno there were few things to complain about, it looked cool with it's humanoid shape and hypnotic coin.
I know now that psychic Pokémon were over powered at that time but at that time, he was just AWESOME!

Sunday 16 June 2013

A spark of interest - E3 2013

After watching this years E3 conferences, the game that sparked my interest the most was the game aptly named "Project Spark".
The thing about this game is that it isn't really a game per se, but actually more of a tool for making games, which makes it similar to the "Unreal Development Kit" or Valve's "Hammer". As opposed to these advanced game engines, however, Spark targets a wider audience, meaning that both seasoned game developers and young players will be able to create games by using, or maybe rather playing Project Spark. Gamers are often highly creative people, which is shown in games like Minecraft and Little Big Planet, and many seem to enjoy building their own worlds, designing their own challenges, customizing weapons, changing appearances, and so on. This spark of creativity is definitely important to both gamers and game developers, and letting gamers alter their games in such ways could be the beginning of many new game genres, or simply add more replayability to games that would otherwise get boring in time.

At this moment, there really isn't much information about project spark, other than what was shown on E3 and the fact that microsoft has been working on it for 2 years, while simultaneously halting the development of their other game-making toolset, XNA, which was used for making games like Terraria and Bastion. Project Spark seems to be focused on making 3D games, but we can tell from the E3 video that it will also be able to make 2D games, and its limitations are not very clear.
It is, however, very clear that the "game" will have its limits. Making something like a third person 3D game usually requires a lot more work than making, lets say, a 2D platformer, but pcworld apparently made an interesting and fun 3D game in only 20 minutes with project spark. This is definitely good news to unexperienced gamers who want quick results, but it could also mean that the tool is too restricted, or too simple to use for making complex or highly innovative games. Considering the fact that the tool will be free to play, there's also a high chance that assets such as 3D models and other content will be restricted, and in a worst case scenario, unlockables which you have to pay for via micro transactions.

Well, it's hard to judge the game at this point, and some parts of the E3 trailer look really fun, so it has the potential to become one of the most interesting games for the Xbox One. Although it will also be playable on PC, and I can't imagine using a gamepad for game development, so I'm pretty sure which version I'll get.

Saturday 15 June 2013

Waiting for Pokémon

After having finished Tomb Raider (if the game would have let me I would have had another, more interesting ending) I had a sudden urge to play something that wasn't action and so I searched the web for a bit, looking for a rpg of some sort.
What I found, that caught my attention was "Ni no Kuni" and the "Atelier" games and after some reviews of the games I decided that "Ni no Kuni" would be the better one for me (since Atelier was described as really slow paced and difficult to get the hang of) and I really need a game that is not too slow paced because the lack of progression is what makes me stop playing in most cases and is why I have bought several of jrpgs and never finished them.
I hope this one will work out for me, it seems beautiful and charming at least!


Wednesday 12 June 2013

Good bye Versus, Hello XV!

How I've waited and now they've come around and announced that Final Fantasy versus XIII will instead be Final Fantasy XV, not that it makes any real difference to me but it feels nice that it's no longer associated with FFXIII (which, in my opninion, wasn't that great).
However, I guess I'm not done waiting yet, no date has been announced for this title yet and since I really bought the Playstation 3 in order to play this title I won't do the same mistake again. I'll wait until this FFXV actually hits the stores before I purchase the PS4 (unless some other game gets my attention before that)!

The game looks great so far though and the fact that the KH guys has been working on this one shines right through. It actually feels like I'm watching Kingdom Hearts in a true Final Fantasy setting. I feel my thumb going wild on the X button and every once in a while executing something cool with the triangle.
I like that, I don't know if that's how it will turn out in the end but anything that takes me away from the "Auto Battle" of FFXIII will make me happy.

What interests me the most is the weapon menu at the bottom, how will that work out? Will it change your weapons automatically? Will you toggle though them? Will they have different abilities linked to them? Can you exp them separately? Tell me everything!
I'd really like a game where you get to exp your weapons, almost like how you exp your class in the Tactics games, but I think I'm being a bit too unrealistic if I believe that's how they're gonna do it. The best guess would be that you toggle through them and that they're good at fighting different things, aww...


Friday 7 June 2013

Who cares about achievements now?

I finally bought Tomb Raider! Well, it was a while back but I'd been thinking about getting it since it's release so I guess I'm a bit late.
However, I've come to like it quite a lot. People complained about a lot of quick time events and sure they're there but, at least for me, they're not intrusive but they've caused my death several of more times than they actual enemies have so far.
Deadliest so far's got to be the spruce's branch, I always got impaled when trying to land with that parachute! And you shouldn't underestimate giant, falling rocks either, the tutorial killed me with this way too many times before I actually focused and read what the game wanted me to do, pressed "F" and lived to see another day. Damn adrenaline.

As (almost) always I decided that I wanted to play this game based on three things: Box art, genre and graphics. I didn't know much about this game, didn't know much about the series either actually but I've come to like it, or... I never disliked it to begin with.
The story is intriguing and as the mystery deepens it leaves me wanting to progress the story further and faster, way faster!
To be honest, this is one of the games that's got achievements but where I do not feel any interest in completing them, I just want to see the story unfolding! And for me that's a rare feeling, I usually get stuck in games, focusing way too much on the achievements and therefore never finishing it.
However, here, I'll make my way out of this bloody mess and become the survivor!


Sunday 26 May 2013

Ila: On Assassin's Creed 3

I am frustrated.

Lately I've been trying out Assassin's Creed 3 (mostly because I got it for free so my interest in it wasn't that high to begin with) and I've come to realize that this is not the kind of game that makes me feel like I want to play it.
I thought it might be the kind of game I'd like; it has got the right kind of elements: big world, interesting story and good looks but the problem for me started at the introduction.

I have no idea of what I am doing!

I believe the game has taught me how to use certain techniques, even flashed the commands I'm supposed to use on screen, but I can't remember them, they passed me by so quickly and now I'm lost. I know I'm supposed to know things now but I don't and then what?
Well, when you feel you can't handle the controls of the game it quickly loses it's appeal.

Oh, and one more thing, I hate walking but running gets you killed. *sad face*