Wednesday 18 September 2013

HeartGold Erin #1

I just recently started off on my adventure to take on the Elite Four (or at least that's what Professor Elm thinks I should be doing).
Isn't he cute?! I named him "Nino". :3
I was entrusted with one of his pokémon namely the Cyndaquil which I named Cyndra (and yes, she's actually a she) and Professor Oak gave me a Pokédex.
I haven't been that much into pokémon before, of course I've played a lot with Ethan and his Marill but in general, no. However, ever since I got Cyndra things have changed and I'm now training hard to take on Whitney and her fiercesome Miltank. The Onix Rocky I in a trade for my Bellsprout will surely be strong enough to take her on but I feel like there's something missing. So as I walked about route 35 I met a male Nidoran and as I fought him he double kicked my Pidgey Pin!
I've learnt that a normal pokémon like Miltank should be weak against fighting moves and so I captured the little one and trained him and now my little Nino isn't that small anymore since he evolved into a Nidorino and I tell you; it looks really weird seeing him with his short legs using double kick!

Wish me luck at the gym! <3

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